Sunday, May 19, 2013

so what's your ideal man like?

Please don't get me wrong. I am not rushing love nor do I desire to have any romantic relationship soon. I just can't help thinking about the future. And I think it's inevitable (or almost) to think about your future significant other when you're thinking about the approaching years.

Earlier in my life, I have made heaps of mistakes... broken some rules, entered wrong relationships (let's not talk about that). I admit I haven't been a wise chooser(?) when it came to guys before. It had all been based on shallow things. I mean, I liked a guy just because he was a musician, or he was popular or he had a really good sense of humor, or he was a good talker, or he was simply a badass. I had really poor standards before so basically, it all ended up a failure. Love is more than just butterflies in your stomach, a singer once said. But sadly, I had defined love depending on how often guys gave me those butterflies. I can only look back at my past with regret. But as the old cliche goes, past is past. God has taught me huge lessons and only because of those that I can look back at my past somehow with a grateful heart.

Now, if you were to ask me what my ideal man is... You won't hear any physical prescriptions anymore nor would you hear anything based on a person's "swag"(I hope you get what I mean) (lol sorry for that too-mainstream word). Honestly, I just want a man who seeks and loves God more than anyone/anything in the world. I know that doesn't sound too convincing but believe me, I now know how important it is for your future partner to be a Christian. The best example I could think of is my dad. I am such a huge fan of my dad. I can see and feel how much he loves my mom, though sometimes my mom takes it for granted. I mean, sure my mom loves my dad but sometimes she doesn't like him going all mushy and stuff. But I do. I think it's amazing to witness love still all fueled up even after 17 years of being together. Imagine meeting the love of your life for the first time... that's the way my dad looks at her. Okay well maybe I exaggerated that. But really, my dad looks at my mom like she's the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. He's also VERY patient. Really. It's one of the most amazing things about him, his patience. My mom can be really loud sometimes (hi, mama. I love you), the kind that can really get into your nerves (I mean, women are loud right) but my dad just sits there and tries his best to hold himself to prevent worsening things. And the best thing I love about my dad is his faith. He is the best man I know who handles problems the coolest. I swear I have never seen him panic about anything. Even though problems are huge, he just sits there like "I'm cool, it's all gonna be alright" and sings songs of praise to the Lord. And it amazes me, because it's not an easy thing to do. Moms are usually the worriers, I learned that from most of my friends and people I came across with. So I realized it's really a huge thing if your husband is a man of faith because there will always be someone who can pull you up when you're feeling down. And wouldn't it be just so awesome if you have someone who loves you and draws you closer to his first love, Jesus? I think that's awesome, really. Falling in love together with the One who first loved you. That's why I'm hoping to marry someone like my dad someday ;) 

Aside from that, I'd like someone I can read books with and not get bored, someone I can write stories (or books/films) with, someone I can be best friends with, someone I can sing songs with, someone who can make me smile, someone I can laugh at the silliest things with, and a lot more. 

I could write all day about this but the most important thing about my ideal man is...having Christ as the number 1 love of his life. That pretty much sums it all...the rest are just details. 

p.s I hope Logan Lerman's a Christian... may God use me as an instrument to change him. (MEHEHEH I'M KIDDING.....BUT WELL, WHY NOT?!)

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