Tuesday, December 24, 2013


It is 6.46am of Dec. 25,2013 as I am typing this post.Yes, Christmas!!! Merry Christmas, everyone :) 
With only 6 days left for 2013, I reckon it's safe to say that this year has been willlldddd. 2013 has been a year of massive challenges and blessings for my family. 

As most of you know, my dad resigned from his former job for about 2 years ago, which basically makes him an unemployed person for 2 years. More to that, my mom also resigned a few years earlier than my dad, which makes them both unemployed. A year ago, I stopped school mainly because of two reasons; first was financial issues and the second one, I decided to just keep to myself.  I would be hypocrite to say that it was 'easy breezy' to have undergone all those challenges. It wasn't. It was insanely hard, to be honest. But it was bearable. Well, everything we undergo is bearable. As the old proverb goes, 'God never gives a burden you can't bear'. And true enough, we were able to surpass every obstacle. God has been so faithful in our lives. It's insane. Imagine both of your parents are unemployed with electricity and water bills to pay and other necessities to sustain,  plus 2 kids who are both enrolled in private schools (I was still studying by this time). That went on for 2 years. Imagine. How were we able to survive? I don't know any better answer than because God sustains us. He has blessed my dad with projects enough (and sometimes more than enough)  to sustain us for a whole year. It wasn't a stable job, though. We never know whenever another project's coming up and there were times when we worry about our expenses but just then, God grants another project! TWO YEARS WITHOUT PERMANENT JOB OF BOTH PARENTS YET WE NEVER MISSED A SINGLE MEAL IN A DAY. I just had to capitalize and bold it because I am just so amazed. Life is full of uncertainties but when you have God, you have nothing to worry about. And another massive blessing I've received this year is that I went back to school (and it's a good school!). I swear I still don't have any idea how we are able to pay my school expenses (and my brother's who's also enrolled in a private school) considering that my mom is still completely unemployed and my dad has no permanent job. I have no intention to boast about us going to private schools, what I am boasting about here is my amazing awesome wonderful great God who sustains us in a completely insane and mysterious way we never know how He does it!!! I am highly grateful to Him because He has never left/abandoned us. He has given us huge blessings even when sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it. He is amazing just that. And I believe He can do the same amazing things to you! 

As 2013 ends, I hope you reflect back on what God has blessed you this year. You think it may not be as grand as the others, but I believe there are no 'small' blessings. Everything is just as amazing as the others such as you are still able to pay your bills, you still have your job, you still have time to be with your loved ones, you are still able to breathe air, you are still able to see the sun and the stars and the skies, you are still alive & you are still able to gaze upon the beauty of what God has made. There are millions of blessings you receive, you just have to realize it. Together, let us look forward to another year full of challenges (because it is ever so present) but more of blessings to come! God bless us all :) 

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